(Titus 1:5-9)
Te I sẹ ruẹ rae vbe Kret ne u miẹn ehe na dọlọ avbe emwi ne a ma he ru fo vbe evba nii yi, kevbe ne u vbe gha zẹ ediọn esọsi ye dọmwade esọsi. U ghi yerre vbene I tae hẹ:
I left you in Crete so that you would correct the things that were defective* and make appointments of elders in city after city, as I instructed you:
6 ọ kere ne ọmwa ne ọre odiọn gha re ne ẹi mwẹ abakuru, okhuo ọkpa ọre ọ kere ne ọ gha mwẹ, ivbiẹre ghi vbe gha re emwa ni yayi, ẹi re ne a ta ẹmwẹ ọnrẹn khian wẹ iran wa kan ye ẹvbo ra ne ẹi họn ẹmwẹ.
6 if there is any man free from accusation, a husband of one wife, having believing children who are not accused of debauchery* or rebelliousness.
7 Rhunmwuda, ugbẹn vbe a miẹn wẹ, rẹn ọrọre ne ọ gbearo ghe iwinna Osanobua, ọ kere ne ọkaolotu esọsi gha re ne ẹi mwẹ abaku ru. Ọma kei ne ọ gha re ọmwa ne ọ tọn egbe mu, ra ne egbe balọ, ra ne ọ da ayọn gbe egbe, ra ọmwa ne ọ khọọ ra ne ọ zuan.
7 For as God’s steward, an overseer must be free from accusation, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not a drunkard, not violent,* not greedy of dishonest gain,
8 Ọ kere ne ọ gha re ọmwa ne obọ ẹse tọlọ, kevbe ne emwi ne ọ maan yẹẹ, ọ ghi gha re ọmwa ne ọ rẹn enegbe, ne ọ mudia ẹse, ne ọ huanrẹn, kevbe ne a ma ẹre emwi.
8 but hospitable, a lover of goodness, sound in mind,* righteous, loyal, self-controlled,
9 Ọ ghi gha re ne ọ yobọ da ẹmwẹ nii yi gbangbangban, ẹmwẹ nii ne ọ gia mu ẹtin yan kevbe ne ọ gu iruẹmwi nii ro. Odẹ vberriọ ọre ọ gha na sẹtin ye iruẹmwi ẹmwata nii, rhie igiọdu ne emwa ọvbehe, ọ ghi vbe sẹtin rhie ehe ne iran ni gbe odan yọ na ba odẹ ku, ma agbọn.
9 holding firmly to the faithful word* as respects his art of teaching, so that he may be able both to encourage* by the teaching that is wholesome* and to reprove those who contradict.
Or “deficient.”
Or “wildness.”
Or “a smiter.”
Or “having good judgment; sensible.”
Or “the trustworthy message.”
Or “exhort.”
Or “healthful; beneficial.”
(Titus 2:11-14)
Rhunmwuda, Osanobua rhie ẹsọhẹ ọghẹe ne a miẹn nẹ, vbe ekpa ọghe imiẹnfan emwa hia.
For the undeserved kindness of God has been manifested, bringing salvation to all sorts of people.
12 Ẹsọhẹ ni ọre ọ ma ima ẹre, ne a gha zobọ vbe avbe uyinmwẹ ne ẹi re ọghe Osanobua, kevbe orriarria emwi agbọn na hia, ne a gha yin uyinmwẹ ai balọ egbe ne ọ mudia ẹse, kevbe uyinmwẹ ne ọ khọ ọghe Osanobua vbe agbọn na.
12 It trains us to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things,*
13 Zẹ vbene ima mudia khẹ Ẹdẹ ne afiangbe nii, ne ima mwẹ idanmwehọ ẹre, ẹdẹ ne uyi ọghe Osanobua mwa nọkhua, kevbe Ọmiọnmwafan mwa Jesu Kristi, gha rhie egbe maan.
13 while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
14 Irẹn keghi rhie egbe ẹre ne ima, khian emwa ne ẹi mwẹ iruẹn, ne ọre ọghe irẹn ọkpa, kevbe ne ho ne iran gha ru emwi esi.
14 who gave himself for us to set us free* from every sort of lawlessness and to cleanse for himself a people who are his own special possession, zealous for fine works.
Or “this present age.” See Glossary.
Lit., “to ransom us; to redeem us.”
(Titus 2:12)
Ẹseọhẹ nii ẹre ọ ma ima ẹre, ne a gha zobọ vbe avbe uyinmwẹ nẹi re ọghe Osanobua, kevbe orriarria emwi agbọn na hia, ne a gha yin uyinmwẹ ai balọ egbe, nọ mudia ẹse, kevbe uyinmwẹ nọ khọ ọghe Osanobua vbe agbọn na.
Ẹse ọhẹ nii ọre ọ ma ima ẹre, ne a gha zobọ vbe avbe uyinmwẹ ne ẹi re ọghe Osanobua, kevbe orriarria emwi agbọn na hia, ne a gha yin uyinmwẹ ai balọ egbe, ne ọ mudia ẹse, kevbe uyinmwẹ ne ọ khọ ọghe Osanobua vbe agbọn na.
It trains us to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things,*
Or “this present age.” See Glossary.
(Titus 2:13)
Zẹ vbene ima mudia khẹ Ẹdẹ ne afiangbe nii, ne ima mwẹ idanmwehọ ẹre, ẹdẹ ne uyi ọghe Osanobua mwa nọkhua, kevbe Ọmiọnmwafan mwa Jesu Kristi, gha rhie egbe maan.
while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
(Titus 3:3)
Rhunmwuda ẹghẹ ọkpa rrọọ ne ima tobọ ima na te vbe kọn, ai hẹn ẹmwẹ, a keghi vbe ba emwi ku ru. Orriarria kevbe emwi ni rhiẹnrhiẹn ughughan keghi mu ima oghunmwu. A ke gha lo ẹdẹ mwa hia vbe uwu ikhọ ẹko, kevbe oya ọmwa da ọmwa, emwa eso kegha khuiwu mwa, ma keghi vbe gha khọ ẹko iran.
For we too were once senseless, disobedient, led astray, being slaves to various desires and pleasures, carrying on in badness and envy, detestable, hating one another.